Said you was hungry
and you needed me to feed you.
Famished even, and you needed
soul food to sustain.
Said you was hungry,
starving ...
if you will...
if I will?
Sustain you that is.
Said you was hungry
and I nourished you.
Fed you my spirit daily
Let you drink of my essence
Is it good babe?
Sweet enough for you?
Been ripening for many,
many moons now..it's yours for the taking
Seasoned with the bittersweet tears
Of a young girl lost
a dash of optimism
two heaping cups of passion
Is it to your liking love?
Here, have a another taste.
Said you was hungry
and I spoon fed you my spirit
For you to devour
and regurgitate it,
and gift me the mutilated
residuum of lingering love.
How was I to know I would
be found lacking
what your dreams are made of?
Rationed my spirit
Meager portions..
went hungry so you could feed,
Neglected and negated that
of which sustains the very spirit from
which you devoured my world.
My spirit emaciated ,
fragments of you amalgamated ,
with the minuscule remnants of me.
Muthafucka you could have least cleaned up your mess.