So, this diet thing that I mentioned was easier said than done. I have been working out, but I find it hard to work, do my school work, and work out six times a week. My current occupation is so mentally draining that it often leaves me physically drained at the end of the day. I have made progress, but I need to step it up so that I can reach my goal of ultimate hotness by new years. I was going to post mid-way pics but I would much rather wait till the end and share my ultimate before and after at the end of the year.
I find the most difficult part of losing weight is controlling the hunger. Or better yet telling the difference between hunger and just a regular ole craving . I thought that I would share some personal tips that work for me for curtailing my hunger when I get my little cravings.
1) Most of the time when you think you are hungry, you are really just thirsty. If you drink a full glass of water, that will usually curtail the craving.
2)Most cravings only last ten minutes, so if you can distract yourself from that time, the food attack will probably go away.
3)Everyone says this, but it's so true. If you eat breakfast, you will be less hungry throughout the day. I know that this can be very difficult to do for us that have a hectic workout life, but if you are trying to lose weight, it is imperative that you start your day off right, even if it's just some yogurt or egg whites.
Well, had to take some time to give you all a quick update on my progress. Wish me luck as I continue on my process of obtaining the body beautiful. I'm going to kick things up a notch.
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