Note: a letter of marque is an official warrant issued by a government to search, seize and/or destroy specified assets or personnel belongings of a foreign party. I thought it would be super interesting to take that idea and use it as a premise for a poem where instead of country invading another country, it would be one woman invading another woman in a very lustful manner lol, and the internal battle she is struggling with. That being said.. enjoy :)
My stomach knots and twists
as i ponder the ramifications
of my choice
to take the tour
down this path of infatuation
with you as my guide.
My conscience concedes to
luxuria as my resolve
grows increasingly weary
of this game of cat and mouse...
i no longer have the strength
to deny you what you desire.
You invade my sub conscious
visit me in my REM
accommodate my lust
in your cocoon of
practiced skill
i awake to find my fingers
cradled between my thighs
which lay splayed
waiting for you to enter me...
damn I'm impatient
You tell me you're on the way
desire courses through my veins
as imagination runs wild
with fantasies of the unprecedented
pleasure that i will achieve by
replacing my touch with yours
My pussy does the happy dance
as she awaits your arrival
Hair let down, candles lit,
disappointment sets in
as time passes and the flame
entirely engulfs the wick.
I see why they call it Vickie's Secret
Cause tonight i sure didn't
get to tell nobody....
Disappointment gave way to hurt
my big ego bruised....
hurt gave way to anger...
which you quickly subdued.
Wanted to say fuck it
tell you to get the hell on
but my body said
"no! wait, give her the chance to atone."
and my oh my
how well you atone
as my eyes meet your gaze
and apprehension quickly began to dissipate,
you grab me with a ferocity
that assures me that i am
not alone in my desire...
for it if were water, it would fill the room
and drown us both.
my breath quickens
as i raise my hips
to you, tempt you to taste my honey.
She aches for tactual sensation as
The realization of this slow burning anticipation
overwhelms me as my eyes
close and i repeatedly recite your name
my moans and sighs singing the melody
to the beat that your tongue puts down on me
Arms tightly locked down on my thighs,
denying me escape from a pleasure
that is all but too much to endure
armed with only your digits and an
oh-so-gifted mouthpiece
you coerce me into an
euphoric submission as
i float higher and higher
each orgasm increasingly
intense as my legs quiver and collapse
I gaze up at you with satisfaction
as a smug smile plays upon
the corner of your lips...
you notice the aftershock
of your touch by the shakiness in my hips
Fuck you...
And your charm
You easily disarm...
Any wall I have built protection
to keep from letting you in,
as my mind hums the melody
to our song of sin.
Invade me
armed with your
letter of marque
Search my body,
capture my mind.....
Seize me.
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