whispered in the heat
of lovemaking
"i love you"
tell me what i want to hear....
reality fails
to live up to the anticipation
that my slumber gives to me
dreams of you and i
bodies tangled in
never ending power struggle
tell me what i need to hear....
told you to check that bitch
at the door before you
come to praise at my temple
no menage a trois here
this femme fatale needs
you all to herself
you continue to fuck me
under the guise of
making love
ah make me your jester
in your court of lust
and so it continues
we turn a blind eye
to the elephant in the room
i can't scratch you...
leave my love marks on your flesh
while you fuck me into bliss
complete.. utter.. ignorant bliss
must be a masochist
as i continually
expose myself to
unmitigated suffering
at the hand of my
skilled lover
see.. you were
a hitchhiker on
my road to desire
should have never picked you up
never picked you up...
confused.. i thought
you were falling too..
should have never let you fucked..
never let you fucked
lips twist, hips dip
your tongue on my yoni
my hands in your hair
call out to the heavens
call your name
"i love you"
you tell me my pussy taste good
"i love you"
tell me i'm the best you ever had
"i love you"
cue the waterworks.
tears for your wifey
for she knows not what you do
tears for myself
you being your fool
you'll never leave her
they never do...
you don't wash my scent away
say you like the way i taste
tender forehead kisses
your hands wrapped round my waist..
see..you were
a hitchhiker on
my road to desire
should have never picked you up...
never let you fuck
you drove me
to a pit stop
called love...
my senses ablaze
along the way
fantasies of you and i
danced for me
just beyond my reach
they told me to leave
you be.
but i ...
masochist that i am
took pleasure in your pain
you drove me
to a pit stop
called love...
dropped me off
and continued home
without me..
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